about us

What is SphynxCat?

SphynxCat is a Telegram social meme token that connects 800 million Telegram users in various ways and attracts more people to the TON ecosystem.

The SphynxCat, a majestic feline hailing from the ancient sands of Egypt, has now embarked on a conquest to dominate the feline world. With $CATSX as its currency of power, it seeks to climb the ranks and assert its supremacy as the preeminent cat in the international standings.

What We Ideas

Ideas 01

SphynxCat Memtoken

SphynxCat Meme Token is a social meme token on the TON blockchain that allows anyone to participate in the SphynxCat ecosystem. This is a cat token that was created solely to take advantage of the TON ecosystem and considers various ways to activate the TON blockchain.

Ideas 02

CATSXAO (SphynxCat Community DAO)

In the SphynxCat ecosystem, the main role is played by the Community, which will form the DAO of the SphynxCat ecosystem. The strength of the community will be the ability to control the development of the SphynxCat ecosystem through voting. Each member of the cat community who owns the SphynxCat memtoken will be able to vote with their tokens, with 1 token equal to 1 vote.

about us
about us

Ideas 03

Generative PFP collection of SphynxCat

Who loves cats? Everyone loves cats! For our community we will make 6666 magnificent NFT Cats, reflecting all the diversity, cohesion, and strength of the TON Community!

Ideas 04

SphynxCat Games

In total we plan to develop 34 mini-games. Each game will be developed in the format of a reality show, in which the SphynxCat Community will decide by voting what these 12 games will be. Only holders of the $CATSX token and TON Cats NFT Passports will be able to vote. It'll be fun, Meow!

Hình ảnh dự phòng

How to Buy $CATSX?

In anticipation of the Fairlaunch of our $CATSX token, we have prepared for you some simple lessons that will help you understand how the custodial and non-custodial wallets built into Telegram work.

Step 1:

Create a #Tonkeeper wallet for TON - remember to save your 24-word recovery phrase. (Skip this step if you already have a wallet).

Step 2:

Step 2: Purchase $TON on a Centralized Exchange (CEX).

Step 3:

Step 3: Withdraw $TON from the CEX (completed in Step 2) to your #TON wallet address from Step 1.

Step 4:

Step 4: Connect your wallet and buy $CATSX on Ton Raffles using this link: here

Step 5:

Step 5: After the public sale ends, go to #Claim #Token to receive your tokens.

SphynxCat Passports NFT Collection

A cat passport is a business card of a member of the cat community, his pass behind the scenes of the project, as well as a lifetime whitelist for participation in early sales of SphynxCat ecosystem products. A total of 666 NFT SphynxCat passports will be issued.

Coming Soon...


Total Supply: 30,000,000,000,000

Symbol: $CATSX

Contract: EQB7z7VPyy0uv9c1sG_S4LJ7Sy_8c4PQ70RQjr_VVW9FWTuG

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